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Monday, January 23, 2012

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Programmes Offered

Local Student

*For information detail please contact direct to college:

UUM College of Business (UUM COB)
1)      Bachelor of Accounting -B.Acct.(Hons)
2)      Bachelor of Accounting (Information System)-B.Acct.(IS)(Hons)
3)      Bachelor of Banking-B.Banking(Hons)
4)      Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA(Hons)
5)      Bachelor of Business Administration (Logistics & Transportation) -BBA(Log.&Tpt.)(Hons)
6)      Bachelor of Economics-BEc.(Hons)
7)      Bachelor of Entrepreneurship-B.Ent.(Hons)
8)      Bachelor of Finance-B.Fin(Hons)
9)      Bachelor of Human Resource Management-BHRM(Hons)
10)  Bachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking-BIFB(Hons)
11)  Bachelor of Marketing-B.Mktg.(Hons)
12)  Bachelor of Muamalat Administration-BMA(Hons)
13)  Bachelor of Operations Management-B.POM (Hons.)
14)  Bachelor of Risk Management and Insurance-BRMI(Hons)
15)  Bachelor of Sciences Agribusiness Management-B.Sc. AgriBus. Mgmt. (Hons)
16)  Bachelor of Technology Management-B.Tech.Mgt.(Hons)

UUM College of Arts and Sciences (UUM CAS)
1)      Bachelor of Business Mathematics-B.Bus.Math.(Hons)
2)      Bachelor of Communication-B.Comm(Hons)
3)      Bachelor of Counseling-B.Couns(Hons)
4)      Bachelor of Decision Science  -B.Dec.Sc.(Hons)
5)      Bachelor of Education (Accountancy)-B.Ed.(Acct.)(Hons)
6)      Bachelor of Education (Business Administration)-B.Ed.(BA)(Hons)
7)      Bachelor of Education (Guidance & Counseling)-B.Ed.(Guidance & Counseling)(Hons)
8)      Bachelor of Education (Information Technology)-B.Ed.(IT)(Hons)
9)      Bachelor of Education (Moral Education)-B.Ed.(Moral Ed.)(Hons)
10)  Bachelor of Education (Primary School) with Honours-B.Ed.(Primary School)(Hons)
11)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (Educational Management)-B.Ed.(Hons)(Edu. Mgt.)
12)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (Guidance & Counseling) -B.Ed.(Hons)(Guidance & Counseling)
13)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (Information Technology)- B.Ed.(Hons)(IT)
14)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (Interactive Multimedia)-B.Ed.(Hons)(Interactive Multimedia)
15)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (Intergrated Living Skills)-B.Ed.(Hons)(Intergrated Living Skills)
16)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (Moral Education)-B.Ed.(Hons)(Moral Education)
17)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (TESL)-B.Ed.(Hons)(TESL)
18)  Bachelor of Education with Honours (TEYL)-B.Ed.(Hons)(TEYL)
19)  Bachelor of Industrial Statistics-B.Ind.Stat.(Hons)
20)  Bachelor of Information Technology-BIT(Hons)
21)  Bachelor of Management With Education-B.Mgt(Ed.)
22)  Bachelor of Media Technology-B.Media Tech. (Hons.)
23)  Bachelor of Multimedia-BMM(Hons)
24)  Bachelor of Social Work Management-B.Soc.Work Mgt.(Hons)

UUM College of Law, Government and International Studies (UUM COLGIS)
1)      Bachelor of Development Management-B.Dev.Mgt.(Hons)
2)      Bachelor of Hospitality Management  -BHM(Hons)
3)      Bachelor of International Affairs Management-B.Int.Aff.Mgt(Hons)
4)      Bachelor of International Business Management-BIBM(Hons)
5)      Bachelor of Law-LLB(Hons)
6)      Bachelor of Public Administration-BPA
7)      Bachelor of Public Management-BPM(Hons)
8)      Bachelor of Tourism Management-BTM(Hons)

International Student
At the moment, the University are offering 16 out of 38 programmes in English Languages as a medium of communications and examination purposes. Those programmes are as follows:

1)      Bachelor of International Business Management with Honours
2)      Bachelor of Finance with Honours
3)      Bachelor of Banking with Honours
4)      Bachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking
5)      Bachelor of Risk Management and Insurance with Honours
6)      Bachelor of Marketing with Honours
7)      Bachelor of Business Administration (Logistic & Transportation) with Honours
8)      Bachelor of International Affairs Management with Honours
9)      Bachelor of Hospitality Management with Honours
10)  Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours
11)  Bachelor of Multimedia with Honours
12)  Bachelor of Decision Science with Honours
13)  Bachelor of Industrial Statistic with Honours
14)  Bachelor of Business Mathematic with Honours
15)  Bachelor of Law with Honours
16)  Bachelor of Tourism Management with Honours

Students have to sit for the English Language Placement Test before undergo the course registration session. Students also have to undergo the Malay Language Course (BLM 1010) concurrently with the programme majoring subjects. The classes will be conducted by the Language Centre (Pusat Bahasa) Students need to pass the Malay Language Course before ended their studies.

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